The Hatching

His boys, excited about their first successful hunt, knew they shouldn’t make a sound. Slowly and quietly, they dragged their wet boots over the narrow, cracked concrete ground and walked …

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Explore: Islam, Science Fiction and Extraterrestrial Life – a Study by Dr. Jörg Matthias Determann

“Islamic tradition has been generally supportive of conceptions of extraterrestrial life” says Dr. Jörg Matthias Determann in his book Islam, Science Fiction and Extraterrestrial Life. “For example, the Qur’an repeatedly …

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A Conversation with Lena Mubsutina, Author of Amreekiya

Thumbnail of author Lema Mubsutina and a photo of her book, Amreekiya

Lena Mubsutina is the author of Amreekiya, an Arab American Book Award winner, a finalist for the Louise Meriwether First Book Prize, and one of Foreword’s “Four Phenomenal Debut Novels.” …

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Illustration of person in a white shirt. A caption beside the image says ISOLATION: They want us to keep hoping that one day we'll be free from our isolated glass cells, but it's a lie. I know we'll never get out.

The bile that filled the back of her throat soured her mouth. She stepped forward, putting her palm on the glass wall and pressing her forehead on the cool glass. …

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Mars in the Muslim Mind: Salvation on the Born-Again Red Planet in Hosam Elzembely’s Final Voyage

Image of mars at the top with a space craft flying by. the title has Dr. Hosam Elzembely as author with the title Final Voyage

“President Bush announced that we were landing on Mars today … which means he’s given up on Earth.” – Jon Stewart, The Daily Show This is a study of The …

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Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Futurism in Arabic Literature: A Conversation with Ahmed Salah Al-Mahdi

A String of Thoughts of Life, Death, and In Between

Mystery Whenever I walk down a new street where I have never walked before, I look at the balconies and windows and imagine the many different lives and lurking secrets …

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