P.L. Stuart was born in Toronto, Canada. He holds a university degree in English, specializing in Medieval Literature. P.L. is an assistant editor with Before We Go Blog https://beforewegoblog.com/ . The Drowned Kingdom Saga chronicles flawed and bigoted Prince Othrun’s journey towards change, and his rise to power in a new world after the downfall of his homeland, which is based on Plato’s lost realm of Atlantis. The Bestselling “A Drowned Kingdom” is mentioned in the esteemed Kirkus Magazine’s 2021 Indie Issue among “Four Great Examples of the Genre” of fantasy and won the 2022 Picky Bookworm Award for Best Indie Book Based on Mythology. “If reality came cloaked in high fantasy, epic worldbuilding, and compelling drama, it would be a lot like The Last of the Atalanteans.” -Bjorn Larssen, Author of Children P.L. Stuart Website: https://www.plstuart.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/plstuartwrites Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plstuartwrites Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p.l.stuart/ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show…