Exploring the past, engaging the present, Imagining the future
Featured articles

Threads of Resilience
I lived through the bombings, airstrikes and the endless sorrow that haunted the streets of my homeland. One dreadful night, after the Israeli military had escalated its attacks on Gaza … Read more

When It Rains Blood
When you walk under the rain,take off your shoes.Let your feet feel the water on the ground,let them soak a little.Let your feet sink into mud, feel its squish, and … Read more
Exploring, Engaging, Imagining

Gaza Is the Beginning and the End
Gaza is home, the beginning and the end, where I belong no matter how fierce the winds blowor how much … continue reading

His Own Birth
Her moan dragged me into the place. I was so fatigued. Working a new system had sucked the last lively … continue reading

Nothing at All!
She picked up the teacups and the biscuit crumbs, and everything fell to the ground, and they all lay down … continue reading

A Scar!
On the occasion of February 6th and the opposition to female circumcision in many African and Arab countries. I promised … continue reading
Art submissions

Islamic Theology and Extraterrestrial Life: A Discussion With Dr. Shoaib Ahmed Malik & Dr. Jörg Matthias Determann.
Shoaib Ahmed Malik is Lecturer in Science and Religion at the University of Edinburgh. With a PhD in Chemical Engineering … continue reading

Suhad Khatib: On Art and Genocide
Suhad Khatib, an Amman-based artist & designer. Reversing the harm of propaganda through art and philosophy. One painting/study at a … continue reading

Reality Cloaked in High Fantasy: Author P.L.Stuart Discusses His Innovative The Drowned Kingdom Saga
P.L. Stuart was born in Toronto, Canada. He holds a university degree in English, specializing in Medieval Literature. P.L. is … continue reading

A Conversation with Speculative Fiction Writer Zoha Kazemi
Zoha Kazemi is an Iranian speculative fiction writer. She was born in 1982, in Tehran and is currently living there. … continue reading