Islamic Theology and Extraterrestrial Life: A Discussion With Dr. Shoaib Ahmed Malik & Dr. Jörg Matthias Determann.

Shoaib Ahmed Malik is Lecturer in Science and Religion at the University of Edinburgh. With a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Nottingham and another in Theology from the University of St Mary’s, Twickenham, Shoaib stands at the crossroads of Science and Religion. His monograph work, Islam and Evolution: Al-Ghazālī and the Modern Evolutionary Paradigm, was acclaimed as the foremost academic contribution to the field of science and religion, receiving recognition from the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR) in 2022. He holds the position of Trustee at the ISSR and serves on the editorial board of Theology and Science. Shoaib also assumes the role of Chief Editor for Palgrave’s newly launched Islam and Science book series and encyclopedia, further enriching scholarly discourse at this interdisciplinary crossroads. Jörg Matthias Determann is Professor of History at Virginia Commonwealth University, Qatar. He is the author of four books published by I.B. Tauris: Islam, Science Fiction and Extraterrestrial Life (2020); Space Science and the Arab World (2018); Researching Biology and Evolution in the Gulf States (2015); and Historiography in Saudi Arabia (2013). Islamic Theology and Extraterrestrial Life: New Frontiers in Science and Religion Bloomsbury Publisher… Description Over the last thirty years, humanity has discovered thousands of planets outside of our solar system. The discovery of extraterrestrial life could be imminent. This book explains how such a discovery might impact Islamic theology. It is the foundational reference on the subject, comprising a variety of different insights from both Sunni and Shi’i positions, from different Muslim contexts, and with chapters that compare and contrast Islamic perspectives with Christianity. Together, they address some of our biggest questions through an Islamic lens: What makes humans unique in the cosmos? What are the ethics of dealing with other sentient beings? And how universal is salvation? Given the accelerating advances in exoplanet research and astrobiology, the book is at the frontier of science and Islamic thought. Contributors include a range of leading experts from Muslim theologians, scholars of comparative religion and philosophers, to historians, social scientists and natural scientists. Table of Contents Introduction Shoaib Ahmed Malik and Jörg Matthias Determann 1. Theological Information on the Existence of Intelligent Life Outside Our Solar System: Metaphysics, Scripture, and Science Hamza Karamali 2. Does the Quran Affirm Extraterrestrial life? A Hermeneutic Analysis of the of Surat al-Na?l (Q. 16:8) Moamer Khalayleh 3. Islamic Sacred Resources on Extraterrestrials and Their Possible Eschatological Implications Mohammad Mahdi Montasseri 4. Extraterrestrials and Moral Accountability: Nonhuman Moral Personhood through the Lens of Classical Sunni Theology and Law David Solomon Jalajel 5. Classical Muslim Thought and the Theological Implications and Possibility of Non-Human Entities Bearing Higher Intelligence Faisal Abdullah 6. Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life and Islamic Beliefs: Investigating Six Potential Conflicts Shoaib Ahmed Malik 7. The Alien in the Lamp? The Jinn and Alien Life in Islamic Theology Richard Playford 8. A Qur?anic Ufology? Seven Exotheological Hypotheses of the Indonesian ‘Islamic UFO’ Community Ayub and Ilham Ibrahim 9. Exotheology in Contemporary Egyptian Science Fiction – A Comparative Appraisal Emad El-Din Aysha Mars background “Dragon Bones”…

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